A summer camp 2018 in Tel Aviv

Five days of educative and pleasing activities with Hebrew Speaking children and Youth, sons and daughters of Migrants and Asylum Seekers

From July 30 to August 3, we had five wonderful days in Tel Aviv at a summer camp destined to Hebrew Speaking children, sons and daughters of immigrants and asylum seekers. The program was varied: three days in the pastoral center, Our Lady Woman of Valor, with several activities (games, art, cooking, religion lessons) and small pools of water to help the children survive the summer heat of Tel Aviv in the early afternoons; for the two remaining days we went out of the Center (to a Park, and to a municipal Swimming pool). Every morning, a Prayer time opened our day; we could also celebrate the Eucharist, with the children, on the three days spent in the Center’s Compound. Particularly wonderful was the presence of some youngsters, aged 14-15, from the Desert Flower group, who came to help the adults in the various activities. These young people used to participate in the first summer camps in Tel Aviv, a few years ago, as children, and now they are part of the organizers!

After the end of the camp, some of those youth packed their suitcases and took the airplane to France, together with some youth from Jerusalem, and with some accompanying adults (Father Piotr, Daniel, Sinead) for seven days of prayer at Taizé followed by three days of discoveries in Paris. We wish them a rich, happy and interesting experience.kaitana1telavivsummer2018



לעזור לנו צור קשר ותיקן ניוז בעברית להקשיב לסעודת האדון לשמור על בטחון הילדים

© 2020 Saint James Vicariate for Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel