Ahinoam Nini and Mira Awad to the Eurovision 2009

Ahinoam Nini, an Israeli Jewish singer, and Mira Awad, A Christian Arab singer from Israel, sing together and are enjoying great success at home and abroad.

The ad hoc committee of the Israel Broadcasting Corporation, headed by chairman Moshe Gavish, decided that the Jewish singer Ahinoam Nini and the Arab singer Mira Awad would represent Israel in the Eurovision contest of 2009 that will take place in Moscow, Russia. "This is an excellent choice of two gifted singers who enjoy international fame and we believe that this choice will prove itself," an official communiqué from the members of the committee said. This is the first time that an Israeli Eurovision song will include Hebrew, Arabic and English. 



Ahinoam Nini, from Yemenite origin, is known throughout the world for her original songs that combine East and West. Mira Awad, a Christian Arab from the village of Rameh in the Galilee, also has become famous in recent years because of her songs and the roles she has played in a series of Israeli films and television serials.

In the near future the singers will present three of their songs to viewers in a special program on Channel 1 and the viewers will be able to choose the song they prefer to see on the stage of the 54th Eurovision contest. The Eurovision final will be held on May 16 and will be televised on Channel 1.

To see an interview with Ahinoam Nini and Mira Awad: View and listen

Ahinoam and Mira sing "We can work it out" in Paris: View and listen

Ahinoam and Mira sing "Word": View and Listen

The four songs that are candidates for the Eurovision:

Ahinoam and Mira sing "We believe in faith": View and listen

Ahinoam and Mira sing "There must be another way": View and listen

Ahinoam and Mira sing "Second chance": View and listen

Ahinoam and Mira sing "Will you dance with me": View and listen

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