Visit to the House of Santa Claus

Excitement and enthusiasm of the children


Perhaps not everyone knows that Santa Claus has a small "annex" of his house right here in Jerusalem, in the old city, and last Wednesday we went to visit it with the smaller children of the Center. The house is tiny, it is true, but it has nothing to envy to the large North Pole estate! 

Immediately, upon entering, the sled is parked (the reindeer, or the camels, were out for training and we could not see them). The central room, heated by a beautiful chimney, houses the toy workshop, together with a large crib and the super armchair on which Santa Claus sits to listen to the wishes of the children. Nothing is missing, neither the music nor the snow!

The children faced the walk from the Center full of enthusiasm, irrepressible in their excitement, amazing in their ability to marvel, to believe and to welcome the joy that was given to them for free.

We would like to wish all of you to live this last period of Advent with the same enthusiasm we saw in the children: may each one of us quiver with the living and true desire to meet the Lord Jesus; may our hearts welcome the Grace that is freely given to us .

Merry Christmas 2019 !santa1



לעזור לנו צור קשר ותיקן ניוז בעברית להקשיב לסעודת האדון לשמור על בטחון הילדים

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