Help after school at the Vicariate

Claudia, from the Saint James Vicariate community, reports on an activity for children in Jerusalem.


Since last week, the Saint James Vicariate in Jerusalem opened its doors children. Every Tuesday and Wednesday from 16.00 until 18.00 some volunteers are available for those who need some help with their homework and exams, or those who simply want to spend some time together playing or working on handicrafts. The main idea is to let the children understand concretely that the Vicariate and the kehillot are their home, and a place they can go to and find someone ready to spend time with them in a secure environment. At the same time, it is important to offer an aid to parents in the light of today’s educational challenges. Until now, four volunteers and six children (from 1st to 6th grade) have been involved. It was also an occasion to bring together different generations so that they can learn by reciprocal experiences. The help given includes a broad spectrum of subjects (French, Mathematics, Hebrew, Physics, and Government). We have even been teaching how to ride a bicycle.

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