Molotov cocktail and graffiti at Beit Jemal

In the evening hours of Monday, August 19, 2013, unknown assailants threw a Molotov cocktail at the Monastery of Beit Jemal and sprayed anti-Christian graffiti on the walls.


Once again a “price tag” attack against a Christian site and this time a Molotov cocktail was hurled and anti-Christian slogans sprayed on the wall. The nuns who live in the monastery did not notice anything amiss immediately and the assailants disappeared before the police arrived and began the investigation.

On Wednesday, August 21, 2013, journalists and delegations from the Church arrived at the monastery, including the Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal and a little later Father David, in charge of the Hebrew speaking Catholic communities.

We express our shock at this criminal act and we are praying for our sisters, the nuns.

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