Walk of the youth during Passover

A week before the children’s camp, a group of youth together with Father Apolinary and Father Roman went for a walking trip in Galilee.

desertflower passover galilee

During the Passover break, just before the actual feast of Passover, Father Apolinary and Father Roman invited youth from the Desert Flower Youth Group to a hike for three days on the Path of Israel. The goal was to walk for three days along the Path, beginning from Nimrod all the way to the Yesha Fortress. In the beginning some of the youth indeed expressed interest in the initiative, but thereafter one was sick and another went to visit family and those that remained constituted a small group, ready to take up the challenge.

The first strip of road was 13 km long, beginning at Nimrod and ending at Shear Yeshuv. Even though this is not formally part of the Path of Israel it was indeed worthwhile to walk it. From Nimrod we went down through the Druze village of Ein Kinya all the way to the Nimrod Fortress. After a short break we continued to the nature reserve of Banias, where we ate a picnic lunch. From there the path led us on a road parallel to the Hermon River, over the waterfalls until Shear Yeshuv, our destination on the first day.

The next day, Charbel from Tiberias joined us. Before us was a hike 12 km long, through a plane with a few easy ascents. However, due to the heat this was the most difficult day. We began in the Tel Dan nature reserve, alongside Shear Yeshuv. There, not far from the Canaanite gate, begins the Path of Israel. The sun beat down mercilessly and it was difficult to walk. Finally we reached Kfar Giladi. In the evening, Father Roman and some of the youth debated about whether they would continue on the following day. Father Apolinary declared that he would walk on even if he was alone.

In the morning, we all decided to complete the hike. This was the day on which Charbel celebrated his 11th birthday. He too declared his desire to set off on the hike. Even though the hike was the longest, 20 km, it was really worth it. The route from Kfar Giladi to the Yesha Fortress took us through the mountains and the forests, with slopes and peaks. Almost throughout the way, we were in wonder at the beauty of the views and nature of the Hula reserve. At the end there was a surprise awaiting us. The last kilometer was in fact a steep slope downwards, among the rocks until the Kadesh River and then a steep ascent. However, it was this part that the youth really liked. When we arrived at the Yesha Fortress, no one thought about the tiredness we felt or the difficulties we had passed through. We were all overjoyed and Father Apolinary and Father Roman were already thinking about the next hike to which all the youth would be invited, those from Desert Flower and others too. Charbel was a model for us all because he showed us that where there is a will there is a way and all difficulties are transformed into joy.

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