Lenten piety continues

Father Piotr, responsible for the Jerusalem kehilla of Hebrew speaking Catholics, reports on mass in Hebrew in the Tomb of Christ in the Church of the Resurrection (Holy Sepulcher).


Nine members of Jerusalem Kehilla and one guest form Jaffa gathered together on Wednesday morning, March 6, 2013, in the Basilica of Resurrection to celebrate the Eucharist in Hebrew. The Holy Mass took place inside the Chapel of the Sepulcher. One of the participants reports: "Hundreds, maybe even thousands of people visit that place every day. Normally the pilgrims have to stay in line for half an hour or longer to get inside for few seconds. We had the possibility to be inside the sepulcher of Jesus for a long time and celebrate the Eucharist inside. The door was closed behind us and the entire place was only ours. It is really a rare experience. We prayed for ourselves and our beloved ones. The empty tomb should remind us that our destiny is not death. He who has faith will live forever".

Fr. Piotr promises that such experiences will take place once a month. All interested may express their wish to participate directly to him and receive the detailed schedule.

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