Christmas Camp for the Youth

From 12th to 14th of December, the Christmas camp of St James Vicariate was held at the Deir Rafat Monastery for boys and girls aged 13+.

Initially, concerns arose regarding the security situation, but upon the fervent request of the youth to Danielle (the director of the camp) and to the Youth Ministry staff to hold the camp despite the situation, the decision was made to proceed after thorough safety measures were taken.

The opening day saw participants grouped into four teams and the program for the three days of the camp was presented. The main activity was the performance of the musical "The Joy of the Heralding Angel". The plot happens in heaven moments before the coming of Jesus into the world in the form of a baby. The story is all about the excitement that takes place in the heavens before the coming of the Son of God.


Every aspect of the camp revolved around the musical, from art workshops crafting the set to acting and singing sessions where the youth mastered the script, songs, and choreography prepared by one of the instructors who is a trained dancing teacher. Each girl and boy actively contributed, whether through performing, singing, dancing, or assisting with lighting and special effects. The collaborative spirit among the youth significantly contributed to the musical's success.

The climax of the camp came on the final day with an evening debut performance. From morning until noon, everyone was engaged in final rehearsals, positions, preparations of the scenery, lighting and music. In addition to the general excitement, we learned that some of the parents would attend the performance, which raised the level of excitement even more. (Click here to watch the performance)


Despite everyone's excitement and pressure, the participants took to the stage with grace, delivering an outstanding performance filled with joy and delight. Noteworthy attendees included the nuns hosting the event, our Patriarchal Vicar Father Piotr Zelazko and others.


We express our gratitude for the time shared at the camp, extending appreciation to the dedicated instructors, the kitchen staff for delightful meals, the accompanying team of priests and especially to Father Benny for translating the musical and songs. Above all, our deepest thanks go to the boys and girls who, within three days, brought the musical to life and selflessly dedicated themselves to its success.


May God continually bless us with such joyous moments, fostering camps abundant in happiness and love.

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