Extraordinary celebration as we enter ordinary time in Jerusalem

Tali from the Jerusalem kehilla writes to us about last Sunday’s celebration.

After a extended period of special feasts, on Sunday, January 16, we returned to ordinary time in the liturgical year and its color green. On the same day, we celebrated the birthday of Shoshana. The chapel was full, children and their families were present as well as guests who had come especially for the extraordinary celebration of an extraordinary lady: Shoshana turned 80!

In his homily, Father David underlined the uniqueness of the reading from the Gospel of Saint John, which continued the story of the baptism of Jesus at the Jordan River. This time, we heard the testimony of John the Baptist, who calls Jesus “the Lamb of God”. It is behind this Lamb that we, the faithful, want to walk. Among the prayers of the faithful were some giving thanks for Shoshana, for her life, her faith, her joy and her friendship.

At the conclusion of the mass, we gathered in the kehilla’s meeting room, we sang happy birthday to Shoshana and we enjoyed the delicious delicacies that had been prepared by members of the kehilla for the occasion. Certain of the mothers spent time racing after their children as the fathers rested a little…

Happy Birthday dear Shoshana, remain as you are always – full of faith and always smiling.

“Now the whole group of those who believed was of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common.” (Acts 4;32) – We will do and we will obey!

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