Pope ends trip to Armenia

Pope Francis ended his visit to Armenia on Sunday, June 26, 2016, having placed the emphasis again on Christian unity.

francis karekin

As the Pope concluded his visit to Armenia, he emphasized the importance of Christian unity at the side of Catholicos Karekin II, leader of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Francis and Karekin promulgated a “common declaration,” and from the Monastery of Khor Virap, simultaneously sent a pair of doves off in the shadow of Mount Ararat. They also together lit a candle in the monastery.

The joint declaration states: “[We] raise our minds and hearts in thanksgiving to the Almighty for the continuing and growing closeness in faith and love between the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Catholic Church in their common witness to the Gospel message of salvation in a world torn by strife and yearning for comfort and hope.”

To read the full text of the joint declaration see here

The Pope’s visit to Armenia also included a visit to the memorial built to commemorate the victims of the genocide of the Armenian people during the First World War. See here for a clip from the visit.

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