Vigil prayer on eve of Day of Peace

In the Jerusalem kehilla, the bold and courageous who did fear the cold and the rain, gathered on the eve of December 31, 2015, for a prayer for peace on the eve of the World Day of Peace.

end 2015

The members of the kehilla who came despite the cold were joined by a few Jewish friends in order to spend some time in prayer as the beginning of the year 2016 approached as well as the Day of Peace. Father Rafic, responsible for the Jerusalem kehilla, explained that a very good way to prepare for the new year is to listen to the Word of God. For this reason, the evening’s program included the reading of the Book of Isaiah, chapters 1-12. The readings were in different languages, mostly in Hebrew. Our friend, Rabbi Aviel even chanted one of the chapters according to the tradition of the Jews in Rome. The entire evening was musically accompanied by Benedetto and Tiago.

Father Michel offered a reflection during the evening in the form of a brief homily. He focused on the promise in Isaiah of peace, a peace that still has not come. He explained that God promises peace but does not bring it, that he leaves up to us.

After the prayer, there was the chance to raise a toast to 2016 and exchange best wishes.

לעזור לנו צור קשר ותיקן ניוז בעברית להקשיב לסעודת האדון לשמור על בטחון הילדים

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