Celebration in Beer Sheba

On Friday, June 19, 2015, many members from the Beer Sheba kehilla welcomed the priests of the Saint James Vicariate and some members of the Jerusalem kehilla to a special celebration and lunch.

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The Beer Sheba kehilla is named Saint Abraham and the Saint Abraham House which is home to the kehilla was recently complete renovated. On Friday, the kehilla members gathered with the invited guests to give thanks for the generosity of all those who contributed to make the renovation possible. It was also a time to remember those who had worked to found the kehilla in Beer Sheba, the priests, the sisters, the consecrated men and women, the lay people… and in particular two giants in the history of the kehilla, Father Jean-Roger Héné and Edda Quattrini. The gathering alongside the portrait of Edda, next to the entrance to the house was the occasion for many who knew her to evoke her personality and her contribution to the life of the Beer Sheba community. (On Edda see here and on Father Jean-Roger see here)

At the same time, the gathering was a time to celebrate the birthday of Father Piotr, the parish priest, who turned 39 on this same day.

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