Father Alexander Men: "We are moving into the age of love"

T. of the Haifa kehilla sent us an article on Father Alexander Men, Russian Orthodox priest of Jewish origin, on the occasion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.


On January 22, of 2011, Father Alexander Men’ would have been 76 years old. He was a priest of Russian Orthodox Church: superb pastor, talented writer, brilliant preacher and theologian, educator and fervent missionary.

Father Alexander Men was born in 1935 into a Jewish family. His father, Wolf Men was very far from any religion, but knew a bit of Hebrew that he had learnt in school. His mother Elena ( nee Zuperfein), from a young age, had been attracted to Christianity and secretly received baptism together with her son Alexander, when he was only a few months old. From his early years, the boy was interested in literature, music, biology and philosophy. He discovered Christ for himself as a child and by 13 knew he would be a priest. During his last years at school, Alexander studied the program of the theological seminary by himself. Yet he decided to receive first a secular education, but after finishing his studies was not allowed to graduate because of the religious convictions, which he never hid from the Communist authorities.

At last, the dream came true and in 1960 the young man was ordained a priest. From this very moment Father Alexander Men began the 30 years of self-sacrifice in his service to God and His people. He served his entire life as a country priest and became famous for his amazing ability to relate to all kinds of people, attracting hundreds of them from all across the country through his inspiring homilies and spiritual zeal.

As a student, Alexander came to know Western Christianity. By the time of his ordination he already had formed his ecumenical principles, being convinced that the Church is one: "For me, the Church is one". According to his biographer, he "was well known for his openness to other Christian confessions, and especially towards Catholicism." Being a friend of our Hebrew speaking communities, Father Men often mentioned them in his lectures and discussions. In his pastoral activity Father Alexander tried to revive the community spirit of the early Church, creating in his parish "small groups" (similar to the Catholic "Base Christian Communities") for Bible study, prayer and mutual encouragement. Being himself an extraordinary example of openness and good will, he was ready to accept the spiritual path of other confessions and religions.

Among Father Alexander's numerous works are "Son of Man", a six volume history of religions, "In Search of the Way, the Truth and the Life", a series of books "Life in the Church", etc. As a renown theologian, he took part in publishing the Brussels Bible, for which he wrote commentaries on the Torah (Pentateuch) and the Prophets.

Despite the difficult conditions of life and the continuing persecution of the KGB (the Soviet secret police), the courageous pastor kept on with his service, driven by the desire to "give people the authentic message of Christ." He wrote: "I am only an instrument that God is using for the moment. Afterwards, things will be as God wants them to be".

On September 9, 1990, on his way to the Sunday liturgy, Father Alexander Men was cruelly murdered.

He used to say:" We are moving into the age of love."

Father Alexander Men on Christians of Jewish origin: “A Jew who is a Christian, a Christian Jew, not only does not stop being Jewish but rather understands even more deeply the sense of the spiritual vocation of his people.”

“For a person believing in Holy Scripture, this vocation means a religious mission. It does not mean that Jews are more religious in nature than other peoples. But rather because of the fact that through the Jews Revelation was given and was made flesh, this people is consecrated to God for ever. That is what the words once said in Zion mean: "And you shall be to me a priestly kingdom, and a holy nation". "Holy" in this case means consecration to God. To be a chosen people is a great responsibility.”

“For the Jewish Christian. the flesh kinship with the prophets, apostles, the Virgin Mary and the Savior himself is a great honor and the sign of a double responsibility: as of a member of the Church and as a member of God's people.”

The Jewish Christian and the religious Jew are connected not only by their common origin, they are also connected by their belief in One God, belief in the Holy Scripture and by their common religious ethics.”

“Christianity was created in the midst of Israel. The Mother of God, venerated by millions of Christians, was a daughter of Israel, who loved her people as much as every woman of valor does. The Apostle Paul, the great teacher of all Christianity, was Jewish. That is why, a Christian’s belonging (and especially a priest’s belonging) to this ancient people, four thousand years old, is not a short coming but rather it is a wonderful experience of being part of sacred history (…) I love all peoples, but I never renounce my Jewish origin. And the fact that in my veins I have the blood of Christ the Lord and the Apostles makes me happy. It is a great honor for me!”

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