Desert Flower: from Pozzuoli to Rome

Another report on the voyage of our youth in Italy.


After a morning of farewells, we mounted the bus and within two hours we were in Rome. The bus stopped at the Basilica of Saint Paul outside the Walls and, placing our bags in a heap, we entered to visit the shrine and to eat lunch. The basilica is incredible and huge and the souvenir store very expensive. We finished things there and travelled to the place where we would sleep, the Saint Philip Neri Parish. We are sleeping in the catechism classrooms and in one sports hall, quite a change from Pozzuoli. After a shower, we had mass with the local community, a meeting with the host priest, dinner that they prepared and a preparatory talk. Then we went off to walk around the city. Benny took us to squares (piazzas) and fountains throughout the city. We even ate ice cream. After the trip through town we returned to our sleeping quarters exhausted but satisfied.

On Wednesday, we got up early in the morning and after breakfast went to visit the Vatican. Although it would have been possible to reach Saint Peter’s Basilica by public transport, we walked on fit as befits pilgrims in order to have time to prepare for reaching the seat of the Pope and the center of the Catholic Church. After an hour and a half of walking, we reached Saint Peter’s Square. We stood in line to enter the Basilica. We were amazed by the beauty and grandeur of the church’ the tombs of the popes, the tomb of Saint Peter, the works of art and from everything we found there. After the tour around the church, some of us decided to go up into the dome of the basilica while others went to confession in any one of the tens of booths throughout the church. The climb into the dome was delayed when someone not from our group felt ill and the way was blocked until the doctor could arrive. Thus, we were blocked in the church, in the dome, for about an hour. After we had ascended and viewed the incredible panorama we came down and went to eat and do some shopping. After that, we met with the director of Vatican Radio who was delighted to host a group from the kehillot. After a talk about the history of the radio and some questions from the group, we continued on our way. We passed by Castel Sant’Angelo – what had been the prison of the Papal State – and we got on a bus back to our sleeping quarters. After a shower and mass with the parish, we were invited to dinner by Father Nunzio, one of the priests in the parish. We had dinner in a local restaurant and it was delicious. After a round of applause for Father Nunzio and a song of thanksgiving to God for our experience, we went to sleep and to prepare for the next day. Tomorrow Assisi.

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