We have arrived in Madrid…

Late last night, Tuesday, August 16, Benny sent a message to say that our young people have arrived in Madrid.


"We have arrived in Madrid. A big surprise was that a bus came to pick us up at the airport. A Franciscan priest who knows Father Apolinary, gave us this unexpected present. Our accommodation is in a school, administered by Sisters, and there are Portuguese and Gambian groups here too.

In the afternoon we went to the inaugural mass, celebrated by the Archbishop of Madrid, held in a huge square in the city that was packed to overflowing (photo of mass thanks to website "Abuna"). Once again, our Israeli flag attracted attention. Everyone wanted to be photographed with us. In the crowd we met up with our Arab brothers and sisters from Haifa, who were very happy to find us there. We could even embrace brothers and sisters from Lebanon and Egypt – "He is our peace" (Ephesians 2:14)."


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