Sending our youth to Madrid

Today, Thursday, August 4, 2011, a ceremony was held to send off the youth of our Hebrew speaking Catholic communities in Israel who will participate in the meeting with the Pope.


In the morning of August 4, 2011, a few days before their voyage to Spain, 14 of the 17 young people together with the two accompaniers who will participate in the World Youth Days in Madrid gathered in the house of the Haifa kehilla in order to prayer together and receive a blessing before their departure. Five young men, twelve young women together with Father Apolinary, responsible for the Jaffa kehilla, and Benedetto from the Vicariate community, are preparing for the journey. Out of the 17 young people, four are from the Jerusalem kehilla, five are from the Jaffa kehilla, four are from the Haifa kehilla, three are from the Tiberias kehilla and one is from the kehilla in Nazareth. Father Roman, responsible for the Haifa kehilla will also travel to Madrid with the Shalom Community.

Father David, Vicar for the kehillot, came to the meeting this time in order to celebrate the mass. In his homily, he emphasized the importance which the Vicariate places upon the voyage of these young people, who will represent our country, the local Church and our kehillot. He expressed the wish that in Madrid the young people will deepen their faith and return full of enthusiasm to contribute to our lives here in Israel. Father David blessed the crosses that were distributed to each participant (the text of the blessing is to be found below). At the end of the mass, the participants sang the anthem of the World Youth Days in Spanish and in Hebrew.

After the moving prayer, the young people sat down with Father Apolinary and Benedetto to clarify the last preparations for the journey. Each one received a shirt and a hat with the symbol of the Saint James Vicariate and the logo of the group, named "Desert Flower". After lunch together, the participants went home very excited as the day of departure draws close.

The group of young people will travel from Tel Aviv to Santiago di Compostella in Spain, an important Catholic sanctuary, and will be hosted by the Franciscan Sisters of Mary Mother of the Good Shepherd. At the Sisters, they will meet up with a group of Spanish students and will spend some days with them, visiting the area, including praying together in the Cathedral (the traditional tomb of Saint James the Apostle) and other activities. On August 16, the group will travel to Madrid and integrate into the mass activities of he World Youth Days. On August 20, the youth will receive in their midst the Holy Father and will listen to his words addressed to them. The program includes prayer, study and praise.

Let us pray for these young people, that the Lord will accompany them on the way, that He will strengthen their faith and fill them with joy so that they return home ever more faithful disciples and courageous apostles. May this be Your will!

Blessing the crosses and the participants:

Heavenly Father,
You desired to make the cross of Your Son Jesus Christ
source of all blessing
and fount of all grace.
Bless these crosses
and make all who wear them in the presence of others
committed to internal renewal
in the image of Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You for ever and ever.
Dear friends,
The Local Catholic Church sends you
as desert flowers of our country,
to the World Youth Days.
Be witnesses to Christ
who became flesh in this land,
preached His Gospel, suffered, gave His life for us and was rose from the dead.
Bring to every place and at all times the joy of your youth
and the desire for happiness of your heart.
Now receive this cross
the sign of the love of Christ
and the symbol of our faith.
Announce with your lives the crucified and risen Christ,
the power and the wisdom of God.


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