Hebrew Vicariate presented at Saint Leu in Paris

Latin Patriarchal Vicar Father David Neuhaus was invited by Father Bernard-Marie, parish priest of Saint Leu and his pastoral team to present the Hebrew speaking Vicariate in Israel at the parish on Thursday evening, June 30.

Father David, in Paris for the colloquium on Jewish Continuity in the Body of Christ, was invited by the pastoral team of the Church of Saint Leu in Paris to celebrate mass and present the Vicariate. The Church of Saint Leu is the Paris home of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher, established in the 19th century to support the work of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

The evening began with vespers and mass on the Feast of the Martyrs of Rome, celebrated by Father David, the priests of Saint Leu, Father Rafic of the Vicariate and Father Marc Rastoin, a Jesuit friend of the Vicariate, who also knows Hebrew. The Eucharistic prayer was recited in Hebrew. Prayers were also said to commemorate Little Brother of Jesus Joel, who was buried in Jerusalem an hour before mass began in Paris.

After the mass, Father David spoke of the identity and mission of the Hebrew speaking Saint James Vicariate to a group of interested persons in the parish hall. The group included parishioners, a number of Knights of the Holy Sepulcher, friends of the Vicariate, students of Hebrew, Bible and Judaism in Paris and interested men and women religious including representatives of the Sisters of Sion and the Little Sisters of Jesus. Present also was Paul-Samuel Auzsenkier, a long time supporter of the Vicariate who had worked to publicize the event.

After the talk there was a lively discussion with many questions posed by those present.

לעזור לנו צור קשר ותיקן ניוז בעברית להקשיב לסעודת האדון לשמור על בטחון הילדים

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