Daniel Rossing brought to eternal rest

Daniel Rossing, director of the Jerusalem Center for Jewish Christian Relations and a veteran friend of the Christian communities in Israel, was buried yesterday, November 4, 2010, in the village of Nataf in the Judean hills, where he had lived.


Abraham Burg, he too a resident of Nataf, delivered a eulogy in which he said: "Daniel, look around at the crowd that has gathered here in order to honor you, such a diverse crowd and each one represents a dimension of your life". Around the grave stood his family, his wife, Tina, and his three daughters together with residents of Nataf and with them religious and secular Jews, Muslims and a big crowd of Christians, including Latin Bishop Boulos Marcuzzo, Patriarchal Vicar in Israel, Latin Bishop Kamal Bathish, retired Patriarchal Vicar, Greek Orthodox Archbishop Aristarchos, Father Goosan from the Armenian Patriarchate, Protestant pastors, heads of monasteries, men and women religious from the entire area and many others. The Hebrew speaking Catholic communities were represented by Father David.

May his memory be a blessing.

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