Priests’ meeting – May 1, 2009

The priests of the Hebrew speaking Catholic Vicariate in Israel met today, May 1, 2009, in Latroun. This was a first meeting since the appointment of Father David as Vicar and Father Roman was present as a priest for the first time since his ordination.

Present at the meeting were eight priests, including the priests responsible for the communities in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv - Jaffa, Beer Sheba and Haifa.

The meeting began with prayer and then an exchange of news from the different communities.

The main subjects of the meeting were:

- Words of thanks for the beautiful celebrations held for Easter and for Father Roman's ordination to the priesthood.
- Explanations regarding the appointment of the Patriarchal Vicar and his plans to visit the various communities.
- Plans for the Pope's visit and preparations in the communities in order to participate in the different events.
- Some expected changes in the Vicariate
- A pastoral plan for next year.
- Planning the priests' joint retreat.

The meeting ended with a shared meal in the spirit of fraternity that characterizes these meetings.

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