Desert Flower meets in Jaffa

On Friday and Saturday, October 23 and 24, 2015, 20 members of Desert Youth met in Jaffa, accompanied by Fathers Apolinary and Piotr.

jaffa 10.2015

Despite the tense situation in the country, the group is continuing to prepare for the upcoming World Youth Day in Cracow, understanding the logo and learning the anthem. Sinead, from Koinonia John the Baptist, joined the two priests as an accompanier of the group. There was time for sharing and prayer, time for study and fun.

On Friday evening, Father Alberto OFM and Benedetto, seminarian in the Vicariate, joined the group and animated the evening prayer. And on Saturday evening, the youth joined the Jaffa kehilla for their weekly mass.

These are always wonderful times for the youth to catch up with one another, enjoy each other’s company and deepen their sense of identity and faith.

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