Psychology fired God, patients search for Him

In "Yediot Ahronot", the Israeli daily, well known psychologist Dr. Yair Caspi wrote a fascinating article concerning the return of God despite the psychologists who fired him.


Read the full article in Hebrew here

The firing of God, at the beginning of the twentieth century, was too early. At first first it brought relief to those suffering from feelings of guilt and a false sense of sin but decades later, the removal of God from education and psychology has produced new disorders: people who think that they are at the center of the universe, who have difficulties in building human relations that do not revolve around themselves. People have lost any sense of their limits and have no one before whom they have to give account as well as people whose lives are without value or meaning.

God is missing today in treatment. Many patients are looking for him, but those taking care of them – faithful to their new religion which worships "the great human person" (the modern version) or "the special one" (the post-modern version) – do not realize this or hear the cry.

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