Seven wonders of the world…

T. from the Haifa kehilla sent us the following story.

A group of pupils was asked to compose a list of the seven wonders of the world in their opinion. There was some debate among them, but the items in the following list received the highest ratings:

1. The pyramids in Egypt
2. The Taj Mahal
3. The Grand Canyon
4. The Panama Canal
5. The Empire State Building
6. Saint Peter’s Basilica
7. The Great Wall of China


While the teacher collected the papers from everybody, she noticed that one pupil still had not finished and she asked her if she needed any help with the list. The pupil answered that she did because “I was not able to decide because there are so many wonders.” “If that is so,” said the teacher, “tell us what the possibilities are and maybe we can help.”

The pupil hesitated and then read the list she had written. “I think the seven wonders of the world are:

1. Seeing
2. Hearing
3. Touching
4. Tasting
5. Feeling
6. Laughing
7. Loving

The silence that reigned in the classroom was so deep that you could almost hear the heartbeats of those present.

The things we ignore because they seem so simple and ordinary, the things we take for granted – they are the most wonderful.

It is a reminder that the most precious things in life cannot be built or bought.

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