Synod on the Family ends in Rome

The Extraordinary Synod of the Bishops on the Family ended on Saturday, October 18, 2014.


This Synod was the first part of a two part open discussion on the family and the challenges it faces in the modern world. The second part of the Synod will be held during the regular Synod of Bishops in October 2015.

The Synod discussed openly the beauty of the Christian family, its spirituality, its groundedness in Scripture and the sacredness of the bond of matrimony. Among the many challenges that the family faces in the modern world are:

- the crisis in fidelity and the perseverance amidst challenges,

- increasing acceptance of couples that live together outside of matrimony,

- children born to couples who are not married,

- the high rate of divorce in modern societies,

- the fate of separated spouses when it comes to the sacraments,

- single-sex couples.

The final message summarized the gist of the Synod. It states that Christ wanted his Church to be a house with doors always open to welcome everyone. It also thanks “pastors, lay faithful, and communities who accompany couples and families, caring for their wounds.”

The message ends with a prayer, asking God that all families may have a home where they can live in peace. It also asks that young people find the courage to make life long faithful commitments. It then asks for a Church that is ever more faithful and credible.

The final report with the 470 propositions will be a basis for the discussions that will continue in the Church until the convening of the Synod next year.

See a video clip about the final message here

See a video clip about the proposals here

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