50 years today!

Today, October 28, 2015, marks fifty years since the publication of Nostra aetate. Father David reflects on this milestone.

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One of the most significant revolutions in the twentieth century was the one that transformed Catholic-Jewish relations. This revolution continues to work itself out in the increasingly intimate dialogue between Catholics and Jews in various contexts, on different levels and on a great diversity of themes. If I had travelled the Catholic world one hundred years ago and had asked those Catholics I met what was the first thing that popped into their mind, hearing the word "Jew", I imagine I would have heard responses like "they killed Jesus", "they are a stiff necked people and refuse to recognize the Messiah" or "they are a people rejected and punished by God". I am hopeful that Nostra aetate has had an effect on the young people educated in the spirit of the Council. If I asked that same question today: "What is the first thing that comes into your mind when you hear the word "Jew"?", I would hope that Catholics would respond: "They are the people of Jesus, his Blessed Mother and the apostles", "They are God's chosen people" and "We share with them a great spiritual heritage".

There is still much work to be done! However, today we want to celebrate the Council's Declaration on Relations with non-Christian Religions - Nostra aetate. We want to give thanks for all who worked to formulate it and especially for the two Popes who promoted the document, Saint John XXIII and Blessed Paul VI. We want to recommit to the dialogue that envisions a better world where people of faith work together, recognizing that we are all children of the one loving Creator. Especially in this country and in this region, we want to contribute towards building bridges that can bring Jews, Muslims and Christians together in seeking out ways of justice, peace, reconciliation and pardon.

Read Nostra aetate here

לעזור לנו צור קשר ותיקן ניוז בעברית להקשיב לסעודת האדון לשמור על בטחון הילדים

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