New cardinals

On Saturday, February 14, 2015, Pope Francis formally inducts twenty new cardinals.


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Pope Francis is continuing to shape the direction of the Catholic Church in major ways. His latest move: further internationalizing the College of Cardinals. The new cardinals come from 14 countries spread over six continents. Of the 20 cardinals, 15 of them are under-80 years old and eligible to vote in future conclaves.

Pope Francis has made a bold statement with his decision, choosing cardinals from some of the furthest peripheries of the Universal Church. Three voting-age cardinals come from Asia, three from Latin America, two from Africa, and two from Oceania. Just five are European. Cape Verde, Myanmar, and Tonga will have their first ever cardinals. The youngest in the group is 53-year-old Soane Patita Paini Mafi, who was the Bishop of Tonga. The small nation has just 15,000 Catholics and is 11,000 miles from Rome.

Less than two years into his papcy, about 25 percent of the voting-age cardinals have been chosen by Pope Francis.

The new Cardinals are:

Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura

Archbishop Manuel José Macario do Nascimento Clemente, Patriarch of Lisbon (Portugal)

Archbishop Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel, C.M., of Addis Abeba (Ethiopia)

Archbishop John Atcherley Dew of Wellington (New Zealand)

Archbishop Edoardo Menichelli of Ancona-Osimo (Italy)

Archbishop Pierre Nguyên V?n Nhon of Hà Nôi (Viêt Nam)

Archbishop Alberto Suàrez Inda of Morelia (Mexico)

Archbishop Charles Maung Bo, S.D.B., of Yangon (Myanmar)

Archbishop Francis Xavier Kriengsak Kovithavanij of Bangkok (Thailand)

Archbishop Francesco Montenegro of Agrigento (Italy)

Archbishop Daniel Fernando Sturla Berhouet, S.D.B., of Montevideo (Uruguay)

Archbishop Ricardo Blázquez Pérez of Vallodolid (Spain)

Bishop José Luis Lacunza Maestrojuán, O.A.R., of David (Panamá)

Bishop Arlindo Gomes Furtado, of Santiago de Cabo Verde (Archipelago of Cape Verde)

Bishop Soane Patita Paini Mafi of Tonga (Island of Tonga)

Five Archbishops and Bishops Emeriti who are distinguished for their pastoral charity in the service of the Holy See and of the Church were also inducted although they are too old to vote:

José de Jesús Pimiento Rodriguez, Archbishop Emeritus of Manizales (Colombia)

Archbishop Luigi De Magistris, Major Pro-Penitentiary Emeritus (Italy)

Archbishop Karl-Joseph Rauber, Apostolic Nuncio (Germany)

Luis Héctor Villaba, Archbishop Emeritus of Tucumán (Argentina)

Júlio Duarte Langa, Bishop Emeritus of Xai-Xai (Mozambique)



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