Blessing of new icon in Beer Sheva kehilla

A new icon in the renovated chapel of the Beer Sheva kehilla was blessed on Sunday, January 11, 2015, the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. Father Piotr, Beer Sheva parish priest reports:


Father David Neuhaus, the Patriarchal Vicar, presided at the Holy Eucharist on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord in Beer Sheva. During the Mass, the new icon was blessed. It is a handmade piece of art - an exact copy of the icon that was in the central part of the chapel in Beer Sheva for many years - Rublev's vision of the Visitors of Abraham - three Angels as a representation of the Holy Trinity. After the renovation in the chapel and the rooms of the community, the Beer Sheva kehilla celebrated the blessing of the new icon in a joyful mood.

After mass, Lexi - a young violin player, a member of the Israeli Youth Philharmonic Orchestra performed a few Christmas songs, accompanied by Pau Figueras. In this moment of prayer we remembered all the people that established the community, its pastors and all members. We also prayed for the future of the parish.


Other news from the Beer Sheva Community:

- A parish council has started to meet since December developing a plan of monthly meetings.

- 33 persons took part in the parish trip to Bethlehem (on December 27). The main points of the trip were mass in the Basilica of Nativity, the visit to the Milk Grotto and the Shepherds’ Field, as well as a lunch at Casa Nova.

- Once a month, a Mass in Russian will be celebrated by Father Wieslaw in Beer Sheva (on the second Wednesday of each month). After the masses in Arabic and in Malayalam, this is the third language aside from Hebrew in which the Eucharist will be regularly celebrated in the Beer Sheva kehilla.

לעזור לנו צור קשר ותיקן ניוז בעברית להקשיב לסעודת האדון לשמור על בטחון הילדים

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