Price tag at Deir Rafat

We express our deep solidarity with the Sisters at Deir Rafat whose convent was defaced with graffiti in another price tag attack.


Our children have found a summer home in the shrine of Our Lady of Palestine, alongside Beit Shemesh. The Sisters there have thrown open their home for us. We now assure them of our prayers and solidarity in the light of the price tag attack on their home.

On Monday night, March 31, 2014, a group of young thugs spray painted insults against Christianity and against the United States on the wall of the convent. The thugs also damaged the cars parked in the compound.

לעזור לנו צור קשר ותיקן ניוז בעברית להקשיב לסעודת האדון לשמור על בטחון הילדים

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