First communion in Tel Aviv

On Saturday, May 25, 2013, on the Feast of the Holy Trinity, 15 children received first communion at the Divine Mercy Chapel in south Tel Aviv.


The 15 children spent an entire year preparing for this special occasion, when for the first time they received the Body of Christ during the Eucharistic celebration. Prepared by Benny and Jose Enrique, the children, all children of migrant workers, born and raised in south Tel Aviv, were able to begin to understand what happens at mass in their own language, Hebrew.

The mass was celebrated by Father David Neuhaus, Patriarchal Vicar for Hebrew Speaking Catholics in Israel and responsible for the Filipino Chaplaincy. In his homily, he dwelt on the mysterious encounter with the One God who makes Himself lovingly known to humanity as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The moment of communion is a unique moment in which each Christian is invited to enter into the loving unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We pray that these children, growing up in south Tel Aviv, might be able to take this unique experience of love with them into their daily lives.


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