Sister Azazet Kidane Asks for Help to Asylum Seekers

Sr. Azazet who is our friend, helps women in Israel who have no citizenship. During the war many of them lost their jobs. They have no right to the social help provided by the state. Here is her appeal.

Dear friends 

I am writing to you out of desperation, wondering if there is any possibility of asking you for emergency funding to help the women of Kuchinate. As you may already know, Kuchinate, is closed because of the war, with zero income from sales and we rely on the income to pay our artisan salaries, and without it, we find ourselves in a desperate situation, for the first time ever unable to help our women. Our women are honestly the most vulnerable in this society. They don’t have refugee rights in this country as so have no access to basic services. They are not Jewish Israeli and so will have no ability to get any state compensation because of loss of work from the war like Israelis will get. They were already the most vulnerable with many having survivors of war trauma, torture and human trafficking. We are confronted with the harsh reality that this conflict is triggering traumatic memories of their own torture and captivity. It is really important that we are here for them, not only to provide income generation but also to offer psychological assistance during these trying and unprecedented times.

 We are trying to raise 100,000 USD and I humbly ask for any assistance, no matter how big or small. Your help would mean the world to me and the women, each and every one like a sister to me.

 I pray and yearn for long-lasting peace and an end to the loss of life.

Thank you and God bless.

Sr. Azezet

To donate via bank transfer:

Name on account: Kuchinate

Bank Leumi

Branch: 844

Israeli Account Number: 019243/45

Foreign Account Number: 019243/65

IBAN Foreign Currencies: IL200108440000001924365

IBAN Shekel: IL750108440000001924345


To donate via IsraelGives:

To donate via PayPal (not tax deductible):

To purchase products made by Kuchinate’s asylum seeking artisans:

*Please note that any purchases made now will be shipped after the war subsides and postal services resume.

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