Our seminarian Benny completed his theological studies

He shares with us his experience

Today, June 7th 2018 quite a long time of my life is over: 6 years of studies (2 of philosophy and 4 of theology) in view of my priestly ordination.

It is not easy to describe my feelings in this moment but for sure I experience a lot of gratitude: to God, to my teachers, my fellow students, my spiritual directors, my superiors, our communities, and the donors from abroad…

I remember that since the first day I reminded myself that this time I will not go to study for my own culture, but for all those whom, if God wills, I will serve in the future. I always felt the responsibility of studying in order to become a well-prepared and ready priest and counselor. The knowledge the Church hands us as students is indeed extremely important for our daily life.

To be honest I cannot say that I always did my best (especially during this last semester in which I faced some tiredness) but for sure I tried.

My final work was based on the Gospel of Matthew (2:1-12), the adoration of the Magi, in which I have tried to demonstrate how the eternal plan of God of gathering all the peoples of earth in one big family has been fulfilled in Christ and in the Church.

I was very touched by the positive feedbacks I received and by the nice chat with the three readers of my synthesis.

In the evening, after the Mass in Jerusalem Kehilla, I was surprised with a toast and a tasty cake.

I want to thank with all my heart all those who chose to take part to my joy physically, with their thoughts, spiritually and through their prayer.

benny end studies june2018

benny 7.06.2018

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