Third meeting of the migrant pastoral coordination team

On September 6, 2011, at the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the commission for the coordination of priests and pastoral workers involved with migrant workers and asylum seekers convened to continue their discussions.

Fifteen priests and sisters directly concerned with ministry to migrant workers and asylum seekers met for a third meeting, directed by the coordinator of the commission, Father David Neuhaus, Patriarchal Vicar for Hebrew speaking Catholics. Present were those working among the Filipino, Eritrean, African, Indian, Lebanese and Ukranian populations as well as in the prisons. Unfortunately, due to the funeral of Father Samir OFM, some Franciscans were absent and due to a change in the schedule of the meeting of diocesan priests, the only parish priest present was Father Abdou from Haifa.

Those present introduced themselves, giving some news of the work in the various communities. Father Jay, of the Indian community, invited one and all to the procession of the Virgin Mary, organized by the Indian community, that will take place in Jaffa on Saturday night.

Father David then gave a report back on further meetings he had conducted with NGOs in Tel Aviv to find out more about the reality and rights of migrants in Israel. He discussed the new measures taken by the authorities to deter further migration to Israel, the situation of education in the new school year and developments regarding the Sudanese community now that independence has been declared in South Sudan.

Other issues on the agenda for discussion included:

- Drawing up a directory of all masses for migrants

- Renewing the determination to coordinate with the parish priests

- Coordinating the invitation letters for visa applications

- Youth and children ministry including the beginning of catechism classes

- Continuing the search for locations for masses outside traditional Christian centers for the migrants who live within the Jewish population

The next meeting will be in November.

לעזור לנו צור קשר ותיקן ניוז בעברית להקשיב לסעודת האדון לשמור על בטחון הילדים

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