Feast of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple - November 21

Agnes from the Jerusalem community writes to us about the Feast of the Presentation.

presentation mary

On this day, when we celebrate Mary's presentation in the Temple, we can contemplate the immense and special vocation of this little girl of Israel, called by God to bring forth the Savior Messiah, Jesus Emmanuel.

Little girl of Israel, who was waiting with all the Jewish people for this long-announced Messiah, she wished to consecrate herself to God forever.

And she will be consecrated for our happiness.

It seems to me that on this day we are called to rediscover the vital and indispensable role of Mary in the economy of salvation, for humanity and also for each one of us.

For, as Lumen Gentium, chapter 8, paragraphs 2 and 3, so aptly says, if she was the mother of the Messiah of Israel, given to the world at a particular moment in history, she continues to exercise her spiritual maternity, received at the cross (John 19, 25), for each one of us.

And as Cardinal Ratzinger so aptly says: in her, the daughter of Zion, Old and New Covenant are one, without separation.

She has, of course, an important role to play in our lives, as a mother who teaches her child to walk the right way, (LG 8.2, 62), but also for the reunion between the older brothers and the youngest ones in the family: as a mother who wants to gather her separated children ...

We are in the time of Mary who, all in the service of her son, is active for his second coming ....

Let us not be afraid to "bring her home with us" ...

לעזור לנו צור קשר ותיקן ניוז בעברית להקשיב לסעודת האדון לשמור על בטחון הילדים

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