Best of both worlds: Celebrating Christmas and Hannuka

Jacob, who lives in the Ukraine with his family, remains a committed member of the kehillot in Israel. He wrote to us about a practice in his home.

jacob hannuka christmas

Merry Christmas and happy Hannuka!

When you are not in Israel, it is quite a challenge to get Jewish accessories, so we make a "do-it-yourself" hannukia (special candelabrum for the Jewish feast) out of some local stuff. We do this for the sake of our children and in the spirit of understanding our roots and encouraging good relations with the Jews.

Yesterday, I came across a greeting on Facebook: “when you do not really know how to spell "Hannukah", just write: “Happy Jewish Christmas”. To some, it looks like a joke, but I guess for all of us, Hebrew-speaking Catholics, “Jewish Christmas” might be a short way of saying our faith, a sort of personal Credo simplified to two words.

Both Christmas and Chanukah are feasts of light. Both of them are intended for “pirsum ha-nes”, the glorification of the miracle. And they both come together this year.

We wish you all very happy feasts, peace, health, lots of joy and some miracles in your day to day lives.

לעזור לנו צור קשר ותיקן ניוז בעברית להקשיב לסעודת האדון לשמור על בטחון הילדים

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