Farewell to Father Michel – publication of a new book

On Sunday, June 26, 2016, the Jerusalem kehilla bade farewell to Father Michel Remaud, who has been part of the kehilla for the past 37 years.

michel farewell

Father Michel celebrated the mass attended by many members of the Jerusalem kehilla, who came to bid him farewell. Father Michel has played an important role in the life of the kehilla for many years, having also been the responsible for the Jerusalem kehilla for a short time in the 1980s. Most importantly, he has been one of the teachers and preachers of the kehilla, a member of the presbyteral council and a spiritual and theological advisor on all issues. He has taught for many years and founded the Albert Decoutray Institute for Jewish Studies. He has also published widely on Jewish studies and Biblical exegesis.

As a way of expressing the gratitude of the Vicariate to Father Michel, Father David, the Vicar for the kehillot, presented a new collection of articles to Father Michel on this occasion. The book entitled “Light shines on the righteous” is a collection of forty articles that Father Michel has written for the website of the Vicariate and the articles are in French and Hebrew. These articles are divided into three sections, readings of the Old Testament, readings of the New Testament and articles on the life of the Church and the Jewish people.

We wish Father Michel every blessing for his return to France, his homeland, and hope to see him on future visits to Jerusalem.

remaud book

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