Holot asylum seekers pray in Beer Sheba

A group of Eritrean asylum seekers from the Holot detention facility in the Negev came to the kehila in Beer Sheba on Monday, June 6, 2016.

holot beersheba june2016

A group of asylum seekers from Holot detention facility visited the Beer Sheba parish on Monday. After the rosary prayer during which there was a possibility of confession, the Holy Mass was celebrated by Father Medhin, the Ge’ez rite chaplain. He underlined in his homily the necessity of being a community of faithful where each one helps the other in difficult situations. "Stay together, be real brothers, support each other, pray one for another" - said Father Medhin.

After the Eucharist the group gathered in the parish hall and was able to feast on typical Eritrean food, ordered at a local Eritrean store. Conversation continued until the time came to an end with the recitation of the Lord's Prayer. "You are always welcome here. The parish house in Beer Sheba is your home," said Father Piotr, the parish priest, "Do not hesitate to ask for help if you need anything. We are all brothers".

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