To Brothers – a song

T. from the Haifa kehilla has put to music a beautiful poem by Aleksey Apukhtin (1840-1893) in Russian. We publish here the translation and the link.

tatiana poem

Listen here

Day is breaking ... Unable to overcome my anguish,
I could not sleep that stormy night.
Through rivers, valleys and mountains
My eyes are seeking you, distant brothers.

How are you doing? Maybe, you are shivering with cold
Sitting in a tent, drenched with rain
Maybe, you are groaning from wounds, suffering in captivity,
Or you died in the battle for your Motherland,
And life is extinguished in our dear ones,
Now their sweet voices will be silent forever...

Oh my God! Filled with fierce hatred,
For years two camps are standing before You,
With their lips, praying for help:
One prays to Allah, another - to Christ;
And in the name of God
Cannons, bayonets and guns operate without letting up..

But, my God! You are One and faith is one,
You do not want blood sacrifice.
Reveal to the fighters Your indignant face,
Tell them that Your world is good and great,
And revive in our hearts darkened with enmity
The word of forgotten brotherly love!

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